Acq Notes

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Contracts & Legal

Fixed Price Contract

A Fixed-Price (FP) (FAR Subpart 16.2) contract provides for a price that might be subject to an adjustment based on the contractor’s cost experience in performing the contract. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the ceiling price or target price is subject to adjustment only by operation of contract clauses providing for equitable adjustment or other revision of […]

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Fixed Price Contract Read More »

Production, Quality & Manufacturing

Product Baseline

A product baseline in product development serves as a comprehensive reference point that encapsulates the detailed design aspects for various stages of a product’s lifecycle, including production, fielding/deployment, and operations and support. It is a crucial document that outlines both the physical characteristics (form, fit, and function) and selected functional characteristics essential for production acceptance

Production, Quality & Manufacturing

Product Baseline Read More »

Technology Development

Operational System Development

Budget Activity 7, Operational System Development. This budget activity includes development efforts to upgrade systems that have been fielded or have received approval for full-rate production and anticipate production funding in the current or subsequent fiscal year. All items are major line item projects that appear as RDT&E Costs of Weapon System Elements in other

Technology Development

Operational System Development Read More »

Contracts & Legal

Partnership Intermediary Agreement

A Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) (15 U.S.C. §3715 ) is a contract, agreement, or memorandum of understanding with a non-profit partnership intermediary to bring together academia and industry on behalf of the government to speed up tech transfer and licensing. Definition: Partnership Intermediary means an agency of a State or local government, or a nonprofit

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Contracts & Legal

Business Clearance

Business Clearance is the formal approval from leadership to execute a contract after negotiations have been finalized. It’s accomplished by a contracting officer that develops a draft and final Price-Negotiation Memorandum (PNM) or Price-Competitive Memorandum (PCM) to be submitted for approval. Definition: Business Clearance is the formal authorization from leadership to execute a contract following the

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Software Management

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Process

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Process is the structured approach to developing software for a system or project, sometimes called the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). There are several approaches (see Software Development Approaches) that can be used, including waterfall, spiral, and incremental development. These different approaches will focus the testing effort at different

Software Management

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Contracts & Legal

Cooperative Agreement

A Cooperative Agreement is a legal instrument used to enter into a relationship between the government and the recipient when carrying out the activity contemplated by the cooperative agreement. A cooperative agreement is used when it’s expected there will be “substantial involvement” (unlike a grant) from the government. Definition: A legal instrument reflecting a relationship between

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Contracts & Legal

Request for Equitable Adjustment (REA)

A Request for Equitable Adjustment (REA) is an official request from a contractor to a contracting officer asking for an equitable change to the contract price based on a change to the contract requirements. An REA typically occurs when the contractor finds that an unexpected issue has arisen that wasn’t anticipated during the development of

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Acquisition Process

Challenge-Based Acquisition

Challenged-Based Acquisition (ChBA) is an approach that allows Government agencies to present challenges (Needs) through an incentivized competition to providers and let those providers present innovative solutions to those challenges. The Government then selects solutions based on demonstrated capability rather than on the basis of written proposals alone. The selected solution is often then procured

Acquisition Process

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Acquisition Process

DoD Instruction 5000.85 Major Capability Acquisition

DoD Instruction 5000.85 “Major Capability Acquisition” establishes policy and procedures that guide the acquisition of major capability acquisition programs including: Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs); Other programs categorized as Acquisition Category (ACAT); Major systems, usually categorized as ACAT II; Automated information systems (AIS) (not managed by other acquisition pathways); and Other capabilities developed via the

Acquisition Process

DoD Instruction 5000.85 Major Capability Acquisition Read More »

Test & Evaluation

Qualification Test and Evaluation (QT&E)

Qualification Test and Evaluation (QT&E) is performed by government test representatives and is a tailored type of DT&E for which there is little to no RDT&E-funded development effort. It validates how a system integrates into its intended environment, how it meets specified requirements in accordance with the approved design, and how it meets performance standards.

Test & Evaluation

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Contracts & Legal

10 USC 2373 “Procurement for Experimental Purposes”

Title 10 Section 2373 “Procurement of Experimental Purposed” is a rapid acquisition tool for fielding and testing new capabilities. Organizations must request delegations of authority to utilize 2373. Since FAR and DFARS don’t apply to section 2373 projects can be streamlined avoiding non-value-added processes. Section 2373 authority can be combined with other authorities such as

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10 USC 2373 “Procurement for Experimental Purposes” Read More »

Contracts & Legal


Best-in-Class (BIC) is designated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as a preferred governmentwide solution that: Allows acquisition experts to take advantage of pre-vetted, governmentwide contract solutions; Supports a governmentwide migration to solutions that are mature and market-proven; Assists in the optimization of spend, within the governmentwide category management framework; and Increases the

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Acquisition Process

Single Acquisition Management Plan (SAMP)

A Single Acquisition Management Plan (SAMP), “sometimes referred to as a Simplified Acquisition Management Plan,” describes a program’s overall acquisition approach. It describes the management framework, provides a vehicle for obtaining required statutory and regulatory approvals, and documents waivers. The SAMP serves as the formal Acquisition Strategy for programs that do not require a separate

Acquisition Process

Single Acquisition Management Plan (SAMP) Read More »

Contracts & Legal

Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO)

A Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) is a merit-based source selection strategy for the Department of Defense (DoD) to acquire innovative commercial items, technologies, or services that directly fulfill requirements, close capability gaps, or provide potential technological advances. It’s focused on businesses or institutions that have “not traditionally” done business with the U.S. Government. CSO can

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JCIDS Process

CJCS Instruction 5123.01 JROC & Implementation of JCIDS

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 5123.01 “Charter Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and Implementation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)” implements the JROC as a statutory council to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), and delineates the roles and responsibilities of the JROC, its

JCIDS Process

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Acquisition Process

Acquisition of Services

DoD Instruction 5000.74 establishes the policy, responsibilities, portfolio management, data collection, requirements development, and provides direction for the acquisition of contracted services. It compliments DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operations of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework”.  It provides guidance for the acquisition of contracted services from private sector entities by the DoD with a total estimated acquisition value

Acquisition Process

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Acquisition Process

Section 806 “Developing, Prototyping, Deployment of Weapons System Components or Technology”

Note: Page still in development once we understand more FY 17 NDAA Section 806 Prototype within 2 years SecDef shall, within RDT&E budget, set forth amounts requested for Development, prototyping, and experimentation of weapon system components or other technologies, incl those based on commercial items and technologies, separate from acquisition programs of record Amounts shall

Acquisition Process

Section 806 “Developing, Prototyping, Deployment of Weapons System Components or Technology” Read More »

Business & Marketing

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignments

An Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignments (5 CFR 334) permit the temporary assignment of skilled career employees to positions with Federal Agencies, State, local governments, Indian tribes, institutes of higher learning, and other eligible organizations. The assignment must be for specific work beneficial to both entities. The assignment should be used to achieve one of

Business & Marketing

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignments Read More »

Acquisition Process

Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA)

Middle Tier Acquisition (MTA) is a rapid acquisition interim approach that focuses on delivering capability in a period of 2-5 years with rapid prototypes and rapid fielding with proven technology. The approach is part of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework. Definition: The Middle Tier of Acquisition pathway is used to rapidly develop fieldable prototypes within an

Acquisition Process

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Critical Design Review (CDR)

Description:  A Critical Design Review (CDR) is a multi-disciplined technical review to ensure that a system can proceed into fabrication, demonstration, and test and can meet stated performance requirements within cost, schedule, and risk. Video Date: 14 Jan 2018 References: Critical Design Review Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Section 4 Checklist: DoD Critical Design Review (CDR) Checklist


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Technology Development

RDT&E Management Support

RDT&E Management Support (BA-6) includes research, development, test and evaluation efforts and funds to sustain and/or modernize the installations or operations required for general research, development, test and evaluation. Test ranges, military construction, maintenance support of laboratories, operation and maintenance of test aircraft and ships, and studies and analyses in support of the RDT&E program

Technology Development

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