Contracts & Legal

Order-Level Materials


Order-Level Materials (OLM) are supplies or services acquired in direct support of task or delivery order placed against a General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) contract or Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) when the type and quantity of supplies or services are not known at the time. The cumulative value of OLM shall not exceed 33.33% percent of the total value of the individual task or delivery order. OLM diminishes the need to set up new commercial Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDIQs) or conduct open market procurements for items not anticipated upfront which saves time, resources, and money.


Website: General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM) – Section 538.72


The General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM) 538.72 provides guidance and General Services Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) clause 552.238-82 identifies special ordering procedures.  In addition to the GSAM, the Federal Register provides additional information on the final rule.


Procedures for including OLM when placing an individual task or delivery order against an FSS contract or FSS BPA.

  1. The procedures discussed in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.402(f) do not apply when placing task and delivery orders that include order-level materials.
  2.  Order-level materials are included in the definition of the term ‘‘materials’’ in FAR clause 52.212–4
  3. Order-level materials shall only be acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order and not as the primary basis or purpose of the order.
  4. The cumulative value of order-level materials in an individual task or delivery order awarded under a FSS contract or FSS BPA shall not exceed 33.33% percent of the
  5. All order-level materials shall be placed under the Order-Level Materials SIN.
  6. Prior to the placement of an order that includes order-level materials, the Ordering Activity shall follow procedures in FAR 8.404
  7. To support the price reasonableness of order-level materials; the contractor proposing order-level materials as part of a solution shall obtain a minimum of three quotes for each order-level material above the simplified acquisition threshold.
  8. Prior to an increase in the ceiling price of order-level materials, the Ordering Activity Contracting Officer shall follow the procedures at FAR 8.404
  9. Examination of Records by GSA, GSA has the authority to examine the Contractor’s records for compliance with the pricing provisions in FAR clause 52.212–4
  10. OLMs are exempt from Economic Price, FSS Multiple Award Schedule Contracts, Price Reductions and Submission and Distribution of Authorized FSS Schedule Pricelist
  11. Exception for Travel


AcqLinks and References:

Updated: 7/9/2018