DoDAF Architecting

CV-5 Capability to Organizational Development Mapping

The CV-5 “Capability to Organizational Development Mapping” addresses the fulfillment of capability requirements. It shows the planned capability deployment and interconnection for a particular phase and should provide a more detailed dependency analysis than is possible using the CV-3 “Capability Phasing” model. It’s used to support the capability management process and, in particular, assist the planning of fielding.

Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 124

The intended usage of the CV-5 includes:

  • Fielding planning.
  • Capability integration planning.
  • Capability options analysis.
  • Capability redundancy/overlap/gap analysis.
  • Identification of deployment level shortfalls.

The CV-5 shows deployment of Capabilities to specific organizations and are specific to a phase. If a particular Capability is/was used by (or is due to be used by) a specific organization during that phase, it should be shown on the CV-5, mapped to the organization. The CV-5 may also show interactions between them (where these have been previously defined in a SV-1 “Systems Interface Description” or SvcV-1 “Services Interface Description”). The CV-5, along with SV-8 Systems Evolution Description, SvcV-8 “Services Evolution Description” and PV-2 “Project Timelines” models can be regarded as amplifying the information contained in the CV-3.

To conduct a comprehensive analysis, several CV-5s can be created to represent the different phases. Although the CV-5s are represented separately, Capabilities may exist in more than one model. The information used to create the CV-5 is drawn from other DoDAF described Models (PV-2 “Project Timelines”, CV-2 “Capability Taxonomy”, OV-4 “Organizational Relationships Chart”, SV-1 “Systems Interface Description”, SvcV-1 “Services Context Description”), and the timing is based on PV-2 Project Timelines indicating delivery of Capabilities to actual organizational resources, and also the point at which those organizational resources cease to use a particular Capability.

System interaction (from the SV-1 Systems Interface Description) or Service interaction (from the SvcV-1 Services Context Description) can be shown on a CV-5. In addition, where a Capability or resources is deployed across a number of Organizations, a parent Organization can be created for context purposes, and the Capability or resource stretched across the domain of the parent Organization.

   DoDAF Viewpoint Matrix
AV 1 2                      
CV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7            
DIV 1 2 3                    
OV 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c        
PV 1 2 3                    
SvcV 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a 10b 10c
StdV 1 2                      
SV 1 2 3 4 5a 5b 6 7 8 9 10a 10b 10c


  • The DoDAF descriptions in this website are very generic and are mostly taken from the DoDAF Architecture Framework website. Make sure you visit the actual website for the most update information and a more thorough explanation of each viewpoint.
  • DoDAF Version 1.0, although outdated, has some good examples on how to construct AV’s, OV’s, and SV’s.

AcqLinks and References:

Updated: 6/26/2018

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