Financial Management

Comprehensive Cost and Requirement System (CCaR)

The Comprehensive Cost and Requirement System (CCaR) is an enterprise program and financial management system that delivers real-time program information to government decision-makers. At the core of the CCaR System are automated reports and analysis tools that allow the program and financial managers to define program requirements, formulate program budgets, forecast program execution, and track the execution of program funds.

Website: WebCCaR

Program requirements are defined in CCaR and assigned to budgets across fiscal years to form the program requirement baseline. It supports the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process by presenting the requirement and budget data across fiscal years for use in Program Objective Memorandum (POM), Budget Estimate Submission (BES), and President’s Budget (PB) submissions.

CCaR is a trademarked product of Integrated Data Services.

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Updated: 7/23/2024

Rank: G1

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