Logistics documentation support acquisition programs and the program manager information with regards to logistics. Each of these documents contains logistics information that must be drafted, validated, and updated on a regular basis throughout the entire acquisition process. They provide the basis for all acquisition logistics planning and management for a program. Logistics should be addressed in each of the following documents:
Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP): The LCSP is part of the Acquisition Strategy and describes how the sustainment strategy will be implemented.
Initial Capability Document (ICD): The ICD should include supportability-related Key Performance Parameters (KPP) and Key System Attributes (KSA), the operational and support environments, support or maintenance effectiveness metrics, and duration.
Capability Development Document (CDD): The CDS should include Supportability-related Key Performance Parameters (KPP) and Key System Attributes (KSA), the operational and support environments, support or maintenance effectiveness metrics, and duration.
Capability Production Document (CPD): The CPD should include supportability-related Key Performance Parameters (KPP) and Key System Attributes (KSA), the operational and support environments, support or maintenance effectiveness metrics, and duration.
Analysis of Alternatives (AoA): The AoA should describe and include the results of the Supportability Analyses and trade-offs conducted to determine the optimum support concept as part of the preferred system concept. It should also include the assumptions used in the analyses.
Technology Development Strategy (TDS): The TDS should include specific new sustainment-related technologies required to achieve the Sustainment KPPs and KSAs.
Acquisition Program Baseline (APB): The APB should include sustainment KPP/KSAs parameters, measurement metrics, and all programmatic direction affecting life-cycle support strategy planning and execution.
Acquisition Strategy: The Acquisition Strategy should include the Life-cycle Sustainment Plan content, focusing on key upcoming actions and the timeline to acquire the logistics elements necessary to maintain the system’s readiness and operational capability. This includes:
- Reducing the maintenance burden,
- Reducing the supply chain (both the commercial and organic supply chain) and
- Minimizing the footprint through deliberate design techniques for both the weapon system and the support system.
- How the product support package required to support the materiel management, distribution, technical data management, support equipment, maintenance, training, configuration management, engineering support, supply support, and failure reporting/analysis, functions will be acquired.
- Summarize the approach for acquiring key enablers for achieving the sustainment metrics
Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP): The TEMP includes a description of the requirements and test points/methods for each of them as well as any appropriate enabler or logistics consideration.
Systems Engineering Plan (SEP): The SEP should integrate sustainment into the program’s technical approach described by addressing how the:
- Sustainment metrics are to be integrated and managed with other requirements.
- Maintenance, sustainment and other support personnel aspects included in the HSI plan / process will be integrated with the Systems Engineering Process.
- Process for ensuring sustainment is considered, including the development and update of the Failure Mode, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA) matrix; identification of critical safety items (CSIs); Failure Reporting, Analysis & Corrective Action System (FRACAS); and trend analysis for maturation purposes of the system and its support system.
- Technical baselines (functional, allocated, and product) will address the end item system and its product support package elements.
- Technical reviews will be used to define and assess sustainment and product support package technical maturity against the baselines.
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources/Materiel Shortages (DMSMS) Plan: The DMSMS identifies and mitigates DMSMS issues that affect their availability and supportability. See SD-22 DoD Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages Guidebook for more information.
AcqLinks and References:
- [1] Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG)
- MIL-HDBK-502A “Product Support Analysis” – 8 Mar 2013
- DoD Directive 5000.01 “Defense Acquisition System” – E1.1.17
- Performance Based Logistics: A Program Manager’s Product Support Guide
Updated: 8/12/2021