The Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) is a web-enabled application that collects and manages the library of automated contractor assessment data. A Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPAR) assesses a contractor’s performance and provides a record, both positive and negative, of a given contract during a specific period of time. Each assessment is based on objective facts and supported by program and contract management data.
Purpose of Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPAR)
The CPAR informs source selection officials about a contractor’s past performance.
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) Evaluation Data
Each assessment is based on objective facts and supported by program and contract management data. The evaluation data that can be included in a Contractor Performance Assessment Report includes:
- Cost Performance Reports
- Customer comments
- Quality reviews
- Technical interchange meetings
- Financial solvency assessment
- Construction/production management reviews
- Contractor operations reviews
- Functional performance evaluations
- Earned contract incentives
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) Purpose
The purpose of CPARS is to ensure that contractor performance data is appropriately assessed and that feedback regarding performance is conveyed to companies with whom the government has contracted. The CPAR can be considered a “report card” on how well a contractor performs or has performed on an individual contract. Once a contract is awarded, the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) obtains a CPARS user ID from the Program Contracting Officer (PCO).
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) Key References
The main CPARS website and guide and listed below. The website can only be assessed by government personnel, but the guide is a good source of information.
Website: DoD Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) (Gov Only)
Guide: Guidance for the Contractor Performance Assessment and Reporting System CPARS – June-2020
Contractor Performance Assessment Report Evaluation
Every 12 months throughout the life of a contract, the Assessing Official (Program Directorate/Department Head/Program Manager/Technical Code) will prepare a CPARS evaluation on contracts meeting the business sector thresholds per the applicable completion instructions listed in the DoD CPARS Guide. The Assessing Official is encouraged to seek input from the multi-functional acquisition team when assessing the contractor’s performance. At a minimum, PCO input should be obtained. Support contractors should not prepare inputs to CPARS (not even as project team members) and should not have access to CPARS. (FAR 7.5)
Contractor Performance Assessment Report Notification
After the report has been processed and reviewed, the Assessing Official will notify the contractor and provide guidance for the review process. The contractor may review and comment on the assessment within 30 calendar days of the evaluation. If the contractor would like a meeting to discuss the CPAR, a written request must be forwarded to the Assessing Official within seven calendar days from notification of the evaluation.
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting Regulations (FAR Part 42.15)
FAR Part 42 is the regulation that stipulates the assessment of contractors. It identifies requirements for documenting contractor performance assessments and evaluations for systems, non-systems, architect-engineer, and construction acquisitions.
For future source selection, knowledge about a contractor’s actions on contracts or orders they’ve already been given is important. This is called “past performance information.” It includes the contractor’s history of meeting requirements and standards for good work, estimating and controlling costs, sticking to schedules, including the administrative parts of performance, acting in a reasonable and cooperative way and being committed to customer satisfaction, reporting into databases, being honest and ethical in business, and acting in a businesslike way to look out for the customer’s best interests.
AcqLinks and References:
- Website: DoD Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) (Gov only)
- Website: FAR Subpart 7.5 – Inherently Governmental Functions
- Website: FAR Subpart 42.15 – Contractor Performance Information
- Guide: Guidance for the Contractor Performance Assessment and Reporting System CPARS – June-2020
Updated: 5/22/2023
Rank: G4