JCIDS Process

DOTMLPF-P Analysis

Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) is a decision-making analysis and is the first step in the Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA). It determines/recommends whether a non-material or material approach is required to fill a capability gap identified in the Functional Needs Analysis (FNA).  It includes the entire life cycle, including the sustainment; Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH); and all Human Systems Integration (HSI) domains. The analysis is part of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) process.

Definition: The DOTMLPF-P decision-making framework is utilized to assess if a modification is necessary to address a deficiency in capability in order to successfully complete a mission. The solution can range from administrative measures to the implementation of a new acquisition program. It is a component of the JCIDS process.

Quick Overview DOTMLPF-P Analysis

  • (D) Doctrine: is how we fight, such as by emphasizing maneuver warfare or running combined air and ground operations.
  • (O) Organization: how we set up to fight.
  • (T) Training: how we prepare to fight tactically (from basic training to advanced individual training, unit training, joint exercises, etc.).
  • (M) Materiel: is all the “stuff” our troops need that doesn’t need to be made from scratch (weapons, spare parts, test sets, etc., that can be bought “off the shelf” or made by the government).
  • (L) Leadership and Education: how we prepare our leaders to lead the fight.
  • (P) Personnel: having enough qualified people for peacetime, wartime, and different emergency operations
  • (F) Facilities: land, buildings, and factories owned by the government, such as factories that make ammo.
  • (P) Policy: Any DoD, interagency, or foreign policy that affects the other seven non-material elements.

Purpose of DOTMLPF-P Analysis

DOTMLPF-P is a tool that allows senior leaders to analyze their organizational capabilities from the perspective of “Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy” when making future strategic decisions. It is a framework designed to initiate administrative changes or acquisition efforts that would fill a capability need required to accomplish a mission. When they determine a change is needed in their current strategic capabilities, a DOTMLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR) is issued.

Where Does DOTMLPF-P Analysis Fit in the Acquisition Process?


Figure: DOTMLPF-P in the Acquisition/JCIDS Process

Detailed Explanation of DOTMLPF-P Analysis:

(D) Doctrine: The doctrine analysis examines the way the military fights its conflicts with emphasis on maneuver warfare and combined air-ground campaigns to see if there is a better way that might solve a capability gap.

  • Is there an existing doctrine that addresses or relates to the business need? Is it Joint? Service? Agency?
  • Are there operating procedures in place that are NOT being followed, which contribute to the identified need?

(O) Organization: The organization analysis examines how we are organized to fight; divisions, air wings, Marine-Air Ground Task Forces, and others. It looks to see if there is a better organizational structure or capability that can be developed to solve a capability gap.

  • Where is the problem occurring? What organizations are the problems occurring in?
  • Is the organization properly staffed and funded to deal with the issue?

(T) Training: The training analysis examines how we prepare our forces to fight tactically from basic training, advanced individual training, various types of unit training, joint exercises, and other ways to see if improvement can be made to offset capability gaps.

  • Is the issue caused, at least in part, by a complete lack of or inadequate training?
  • Does training exist that addresses the issue?

(M) Materiel: The materiel analysis examines all the necessary equipment and systems that are needed by our forces to fight and operate effectively and if new systems are needed to fill a capability gap.

  • Is the issue caused, at least in part, by inadequate systems or equipment?

(L) Leadership and Education:  The leadership and education analysis examines how we prepare our leaders to lead the fight from squad leader to 4-star general/admiral and their overall professional development.

  • Does leadership understand the scope of the problem?
  • Does leadership have resources at its disposal to correct the issue?

(P) Personnel:  The personnel analysis examines the availability of qualified people for peacetime, wartime, and various contingency operations to support a capability gap by restructuring.

  • Is the issue caused, at least in part, by the inability or decreased ability to place qualified and trained personnel in the correct occupational specialties?
  • Are the right personnel in the right positions (skill set match)?

(F) Facilities: The facilities analysis examines military property, installations, and industrial facilities (e.g. government-owned ammunition production facilities) that support our forces to see if they can be used to fill in a capability gap.

  • Is there a lack of operations and maintenance?
  • Is the problem caused, at least in part, by inadequate infrastructure?

(P) Policy: Any DOD, interagency, or international policy issues that may prevent effective implementation of changes in the other seven DOTMLPF-P elemental areas.

DOTMLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCRs)

DOTMLPF-P analysis can result in a  DOTMLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCRs) without a change of the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). DCRs that impact a single Sponsor organization can use their own policy. DCRs that impact multiple organizations can use processes described in the Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS). This leads to a Joint DCR for review and validation.

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Updated: 1/18/2024

Rank: G2

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