JCIDS Process

Survivability Key Performance Parameter

The Survivability Key Performance Parameter (KPP) is mandatory for all manned systems and is designed to enhance personnel survivability in an asymmetric threat environment. The attributes for the Survivability KPP are identified in the Capability Development Document (CDD) and Capability Production Document (CPD) and apply to all pre-Milestone C programs.

Manual:  JCIDS Manual for the Operation of the JCIDS – Enclosure B, Appendix D1

Survivability attributes are those that contribute to the survivability of a manned system. This includes attributes such as speed, maneuverability, detectability, and countermeasures that reduce a system’s likelihood of being engaged by hostile fire, as well as attributes such as armor and redundancy or critical components that reduce the system’s vulnerability if it is hit by hostile fire. [1]

Document sponsors who determine that the survivability and/or force protection KPPs do not apply will include rationale in the CDD/CPD explaining why they are not appropriate. The Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) must concur in this recommendation for JROC interest documents. [1]

Mandatory Key Performance Parameters (KPP): See JCIDS Manual Appendix A

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Updated: 5/29/2018

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