PPBE Process

Program & Budget Change Proposal

Note: The DoD doesn’t use out-of-cycle changes anymore.

A Program Change Proposal (PCP) is a proposal for out-of-cycle changes to data recorded in the approved Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). DoD Components are allowed to submit PCP and/or Budget Change Proposals (BCP) to account for fact-of-life changes (e.g., program cost increases or schedule delays). BCPs and PCPs are limited to a single issue and must identify resource reductions to offset any program or budget cost growth. PCPs address issues over a multi-year period, whereas BCPs address issues focused on the upcoming budget year. PCPs are reviewed in a manner similar to on-year program issues, and BCPs are resolved through the issuance and staffing of Program Budget Decisions (PBD).


Updated: 7/13/2017

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