A Post-Implementation Review (PIR) verifies the Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) of the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) or the benefits of a business plan. The PIR is a sequence of activities and reviews that when combined, provide the necessary information to determine the degree to which a materiel investment operating in its intended environment meets the needed capability as described in the ICD. It’s a process that aggregates information needed to successfully evaluate the degree to which a capability has been achieved. A PIR answers the question, “Did the Service/Agency get what it needed, per the Initial Capabilities Document / Business Plan, and if not, what should be done? A PIR is required for all acquisition program increments at the Full-Rate Decision Review (FRDR). The required information for a PIR is listed in DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System” – Tables 2-1 and 2-2. [1]
A draft PIR plan is submitted to the Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act Action Officer at Milestone B, and a final PIR plan is due at the Full-Rate Decision Review (FRDR).
The Sponsor is responsible for planning the PIR, gathering data, analyzing the data, and assessing the results. The Program Manager (PM) is responsible for maintaining an integrated program schedule that includes the PIR on behalf of the Sponsor. The PM is also responsible for supporting the Sponsor with respect to execution and reporting of the PIR. [1]
The following are PIR planning process steps taken from OMB Circular A-130 that can be readily adapted to Information Technology (IT) investments or other program types:
- Conduct post-implementation reviews of information systems and information resource management processes to validate estimated benefits and costs, and document effective management practices for broader use.
- Evaluate programs to determine whether the anticipated return on investment was achieved and decide whether continuation, modification, or termination of the programs is necessary to meet agency mission requirements.
- Document lessons learned from the post-implementation reviews. Redesign oversight mechanisms and performance levels to incorporate acquired knowledge.
- Re-assess an investment’s business case, technical compliance, and compliance against benefits and costs estimated in the Economic Analysis (EA).
Post Implementation Review (PIR) within the Acquisition Framework

A PIR can be viewed as part of the Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) assessment in the overall Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA). [1]
Post-Implementation Review (PIR) Statutory Requirement
Responds to the statute that requires Federal Agencies to compare actual program results with established performance objectives. The PIR is a process that aggregates information needed to successfully evaluate the degree to which a capability has been achieved. The preparation of the Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) and the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA)’s decision to proceed with Full-Rate Production (FRP) satisfy the requirement for weapons systems. DoD Components will plan, conduct, and document the required review for Information Technology (IT) systems and National Security Systems (NSS) post-Initial Operation Capability (IOC). Approval by the Functional Sponsor will require coordination with the Component CIO. [1]
- For steps and procedures for the PIR reference the DAG Chapter 7.9
AcqLinks and Resources:
- [1] DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operation of Defense Acquisition System”
- CJCS Instruction 3170.01H “Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System” – 10 Jan 12
- JCIDS Manual for the Operation of the JCIDS – 19 Jan 2012
- Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) – Chapter 7
- Website: DAU JCIDS Portal
Updated: 7/26/2021
Rank: G1