The Materiel Solution Analysis (MSA) Phase assesses potential solutions for a needed capability in an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). It satisfies the phase-specific Entrance Criteria for the next program milestone designated by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA). The main activity during this phase is to conduct an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA). The MSA phase is critical to program success and materiel readiness because it’s the first opportunity to influence systems supportability and affordability by balancing technology opportunities with operational and sustainment requirements. Various alternatives are analyzed during this phase to select the materiel solution and develop the Technology Development Strategy (TDS) to fill any technology gaps.

Purpose of the Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase
The MSA phase aims to conduct the analysis and other activities needed to choose the concept for the product that will be acquired. This phase culminates in a risk reduction decision, Milestone A, which is an investment decision to pursue a specific product or design concept and to commit the resources required to mature technology and/or reduce any risks that must be mitigated before decisions commit the resources for development.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Guidance
The ICD and the AoA study plan will guide the MSA phase. This Phase activity will focus on identifying and analyzing alternatives, measures of effectiveness, key trades between cost and capability, life-cycle cost, schedule, concepts of operations, and overall risk. The AoA will inform and be informed by affordability analysis, sustainment considerations, early systems engineering analysis, threat projections, and coalition interoperability, as identified in the ICD.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Main Task (AoA)
The main task during this phase is to conduct an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA). The purpose of an AoA is to evaluate the mission effectiveness, operational suitability, and estimated Life-Cycle Cost (LLC) of alternative solutions to meet a mission capability in an ICD in determining the system concept.
Definition: The Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) is a documented evaluation of the performance, operational effectiveness, operational suitability, and estimated costs of alternative systems to meet a capability need that has been identified through the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems (JCIDS) process.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Tasks
Tasks to be conducted during the MSA Phase are listed below: (See Milestone Activity Map)
- Assess all potential solutions for a stated need
- Develop a preliminary Acquisition Strategy,
- Develop a Technology Development Strategy (TDS)
- Develop program goals for any needed development of critical enabling technologies
- Conduct an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) leading to the selection and approval of a materiel
- Develop a draft Capabilities Development Document (CDD)
- Develop a Systems Engineering Plan (SEP)
- Develop Initial Support and Maintenance Concepts (Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan)
- Develop the Life-Cycle Signature Support Plan (LSSP)
- Understand Research and Development Costs
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Product Support
The MSA phase also includes identifying and evaluating affordable product support alternatives with their associated requirements to meet the operational requirements and associated risks. Consequently, in describing the desired performance to meet mission requirements, sustainment metrics should be defined in addition to the traditional performance design criteria.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Manufacturing
This phase is also an opportunity for manufacturing and quality (M&Q) to influence the chosen system design by balancing requirements against producibility, manufacturability, quality, and affordability.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Trade Space
The MSA Phase is critical for establishing the overarching trade space available to the Program Manager (PM) in subsequent phases. User capabilities are examined against technologies, both mature and immature, to determine feasibility and alternatives to fill user needs. Once the requirements have been identified, a gap analysis should be performed to determine the additional capabilities required to implement the support concept and its drivers within the trade space.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Completion
The MSA Phase ends when the AoA has been completed, materiel solution options for the capability need to be identified in the approved Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) have been recommended by the lead DoD Component conducting the AoA, and the phase-specific Entrance Criteria for the initial review milestone have been satisfied. This phase culminates in a risk reduction decision Milestone A.
Materiel Solutions Analysis (MSA) Phase Reviews
The following reviews take place during the MSA Phase:
AcqNotes Tutorial
AcqLinks and References:
- Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) – Chapter 1
- DoD Directive 5000.01 “Defense Acquisition System”
- DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System”
- DoD Integrated Product Support Implementation Roadmap
Updated: 3/25/2024
Rank: G1