Major Reviews

System Verification Review (SVR)


Major Reviews

The System Verification Review (SVR) is a product and process assessment to ensure the system under review can proceed into Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) and Full-Rate Production (FRP) within cost, schedule, risk, and other system constraints during the Engineering, Manufacturing and Development (EMD) Phase.  It assesses the system functionality and determines if it meets the functional requirements in the Capability Development Document (CDD) and draft Capability Production Document (CPD) documented in the functional baseline. The SVR establishes and verifies final product performance and provides inputs to the CPD.

Checklist: System Verification Review (SVR) – 27 Sept 2010

Typical SVR success criteria include affirmative answers to the following exit questions:

  1. Does the status of the technical effort and system indicate operational test success (operationally effective and suitable)?
  2. Can the system satisfy the Capability Development Document (CDD) and draft Capability Production Document (CPD)?
  3. Are adequate processes and metrics in place for the program to succeed?
  4. Are the risks known and manageable?
  5. Is the program schedule executable within the anticipated cost and technical risks?
  6. Are the system requirements understood to the level appropriate for this review?
  7. Is the program properly staffed?
  8. Is the program’s non-recurring engineering requirement executable with the existing budget?
  9. Is the system producible within the production budget?

The SVR is often conducted concurrently with the Production Readiness Review (PRR) and Functional Configuration Audit (FCA). Product support IPT members should participate in the review to:

  • Address system supportability and, based on developmental testing or analysis whether the sustainment features will satisfy the Capability Development Document/draft Capability Production Document and Sustainment Key Performance Parameters (KPP) / Key System Attributes (KSA).
  •  Adequate processes are in place so the sustainment performance metrics can be used to help the program to succeed in meeting user needs.
  • Ascertain if the system is supportable within the procurement, operations, and support budgets.

The SVR risk assessment checklist is designed as a technical review preparation tool and should be used as the primary guide for assessing risk during the review. This checklist is attached below.


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Updated: 7/26/2021

Rank: G1

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