Acquisition Process

Flight Readiness Review (FRR)

A Flight Readiness Review (FRR) is a sub-set of the Test Readiness Review (TRR) and is applicable only to aviation programs. It assesses the readiness to initiate and conduct flight tests or flight operations. Typically, FRR approval requires the aviation system to be under Configuration Management (CM), have a flight clearance issued by the technical authority, approved flight test plan(s), discrepancy tracking and risk assessment processes in place.

The FRR is a technical assessment establishing the configuration to be used in-flight testing to ensure that the system has a reasonable expectation of being judged operationally effective and suitable.  This review assesses a system test environment to ensure that the system under review can proceed into flight test with airworthiness standards met, objectives clearly stated, flight test data requirements clearly identified, and an acceptable Risk Management Plan (RMP) defined and approved. [1]

An FRR shall be conducted prior to the first flight of any new air vehicle.  For complex systems, an FRR shall be conducted with an assessment of each subsystem or Configuration Item (CI) prior to flight.  An FRR is also required prior to the first flight of any major changes to hardware, software, envelope, or objectives not covered in a previous FRR. [1]


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Updated: 8/01/2017

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