There are four (4) areas of a solicitation package that need to address EVM. Each is described in more detail below:
- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- DFARS clauses
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL)
(1) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The WBS is the basic structure for EVMS data collection and reporting and should be reflected in the detailed activities in the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS).
(2) DFARS clauses (see EVMS Requirements)
The appropriate DFARS clauses should be included in the solicitation and the resulting contract. There is a single set of clauses for EVMS compliance and determination, and a different set for Earned Value Management Surveillance (EVMS) compliance.
(3) Statement of Work (SOW)
The SOW should contain the following requirements: [1]
- The contractor should develop the Contractor WBS (CWBS) to the level needed for adequate management and control of the contractual effort. A single CWBS should be used for planning, managing, and reporting.
- The contractor should perform the contract technical effort using a guidelines-compliant EVMS that correlates cost and schedule performance with technical progress. The SOW should call for progress and problems to be presented and discussed in periodic program management reviews. Technical issues should be covered in terms of performance goals, exit criteria, schedule progress, risk, and cost impact.
- Designation of critical subcontractors, by name, for EVM compliance and validation or flow down of EVMS compliance to subcontractors.
- Integrated Program Management reporting should require a Contractor Performance Report (CPR), an IMS, a Contractor Funds Status Report (CFSR), and a contract WBS and dictionary. Data items are called out by parenthetical references at the end of the appropriate SOW paragraph. Specify if subcontractor CPR or IMS reports are to be included as attachments to the prime contractor reports.
- The SOW should also contain and describe the requirement for the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) process. This establishes the requirement for the initial IBR to be initiated within six months after contract award/authorization to proceed (ATP) and for incremental IBRs as needed throughout the life of the contract for major contract changes involving replanning or detailed planning of the next phase of the program.
(4) Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL)
Excessive cost and schedule reporting requirements can be a source of increased contract costs. Careful consideration is given when preparing the CDRL to ensure that it identifies the appropriate data needs of the program and the appropriate Data Item Description (DID). The CDRL provides contractual direction for the preparation and submission of reports, including reporting frequency, distribution, and tailoring instructions. (See Section of the EVMIG for more details) [1]
- The DoD Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG) contains good examples of how to write EVMS requirements. See Appendix B and pages 17-19.
AcqLinks and References:
- Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG)
- [1] DoD Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG) – Section 2.2.5
- EVM Contract Requirements Checklist
- DAU EVM Gold Card 2020
- DOE EVMS Gold Card – Feb 2019
- ANSI/EIA 748 EVM System Acceptance Guide
- ANSI EIA 748- EVMS Intent Guide
- EVMS Glossary of Terms
- Website: DoD EVMS Home Page
- Website: DFARS Subpart 234.2 “Earned Value Management”
Updated: 3/30/2021