Contracts & Legal

Contractor Performance Report (CPR)

Note: The Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) has replaced the Contractor Performance Report (CPR) for new contracts as of  July 1, 2012.

The Contractor Performance Report (CPR) provides contract cost and schedule performance data that is used to identify problems early on an acquisition contract and forecast future contract performance in Earned Value Management (EVM). It’s meant to convey information about the performance of a program or contract. The CPR is also the primary means of documenting the ongoing communication between the contractor and the program manager to report cost and schedule trends.

The contracting officer and contractor should negotiate reporting provisions in the contract, including frequency and selection of formats, level of detail, submission dates, variance thresholds and analysis, and the contract Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be used. The Program Manager (PM) should tailor the CPR to the minimum data necessary for effective management control. There are five CPR format types and are detailed in the DoD Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (EVMIG).

Below is a quick summary of the five (5) CPR format types.

Title Frequency Description
Format 1 – WBS Monthly or Weekly Reports performance data (BCWS, BCWP, ACWP) by reporting WBS elements for the current reporting period as well as cumulative to date data.
Format 2 – Organizational Categories Monthly or Weekly Reports same data as format 1 but identified by contractor labor categories.
Format 3 – Baseline Monthly or Quarterly Data can be plotted to determine if there has been a shift in the baseline curve since the previous report.
Format 4 – Staffing Monthly or Quarterly Staffing data plotted over time and correlated to major milestones and activities on the contract schedule shows accuracy of labor levels.
Format 5 – Problem Areas Monthly Correlated data from formats 1 and 2 to understand the reasons for variances. Helps with the integrated assessment.

The Program Manager (PM) obtains a CPR on all cost or incentive contracts, subcontracts, intra-government work agreements, and other agreements valued at or greater than $20 million. The CPR is not typically required for cost or incentive contracts valued at less than $20 million, contracts less than 12 months in duration, or Firm-Fixed Price contracts for production efforts. [1]

Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS)

CPARS is a web-enabled application that collects and manages a library of automated contractor assessment data and performance reports (CPAR). The purpose of CPARS is to ensure that contractor performance data is appropriately assessed and that feedback regarding performance is conveyed to companies with whom the government has contracted.


  • The primary challenge for the joint team is to tailor the report so that it meets these primary needs, rather than allowing it to degenerate into a “customer” report that can only be used to analyze historical costs.  Careful attention is therefore required during the proposal and contract definitization stages to tailor the CPR DID (DI-MGMT-81466A).
  • CPR Format 3 (Baseline) and Format 4 (Staffing) should take on more importance during development contracts to provide insight into the contract baseline and to help analyze performance and its relation to future problems

AcqLinks and References:

Updated: 7/14/2021

Rank: G4.8 

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