Step 5: Schedule Control in the Schedule Preparation process is to identify schedule variations and to manage actual changes to the developed schedules. (see Controlling Process) A schedule change control system that defines the procedures by which changes can be made should be established and integrated into the program’s overall change control system. The schedule change control system should address such things as the methods of schedule performance tracking and the approval process for authorizing changes. [1]
The need for schedule changes can be caused by a number of factors, including: [1]
- Failure to achieve planned dates for specific activities or events,
- Internal program management assessment and replanning, and
- External direction, such as reallocation of funding.
When evaluating these factors, it is important to determine what, if any, schedule change is necessary. For example, if an activity that is not on the critical path is not completed as planned, it may not have any effect on the overall program schedule. Consequently, it may not require any significant schedule change. [1]
The schedule change control system should also include procedures for implementing schedule changes. Such procedures should address the requirement to keep all program stakeholders, especially the users, advised of any significant schedule changes. They should also address the process for adjusting the schedule baseline and the overall program plan when necessary schedule changes are severe. The change control system can also serve as a good database of lessons learned. Consequently, information concerning schedule variations, their evaluation, and the development of corrective actions should be documented and made readily available to members of the program’s management team, and to other programs. [1]
See Line of Balance (LOB) for a schedule control tool
Schedule Development Steps
- Step 1: Activity Definition
- Step 2: Activity Sequencing
- Step 3: Activity Duration Estimation
- Step 4: Schedule Development
- Step 5: Schedule Control
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Updated: 8/1/2021