Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Planning is a function of the Systems Engineering department focused on Test and Evaluation. Deliberate and disciplined planning, accomplished early and iteratively throughout the program’s lifecycle, is essential for effective use of M&S. A M&S plan should be developed that is integrated into the Acquisition Strategy, Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), Test and Evaluation Strategy (TES) and Test and Evaluation Management Plan (TEMP).
Below is a list of tasks that should be included when planning for an M&S effort. [1]
- Create a Modeling & Simulation Integrated Product Team (IPT)
- Identify problem and objectives
- Identify Roles and Responsibilities
- Identify high payback process areas
- Select the synthetic environments
- Identify potential legacy systems, Service/Joint-standard simulations, architectures and data repositories
- Identify where user and simulators are/will be located
- Determine capabilities and architectures of existing simulations
- Network bandwidth requirements
- Integrated Digital Environment (IDE) utilization opportunities
- Interoperability/interface/immersion requirements
- Required capability cap
- Design M&S architectures
- Establish a Simulation and Verification, Validation, and Authentication (SVV&A) planning process
- Establish long-term plan, budget, document and implement
- Involve the Operational Test Authority (OTA)
Systems Engineering Approach
Synthetic environments and M&S are themselves systems intended to accomplish particular objectives. It follows that M&S planning represents the initial steps of a disciplined system engineering approach, the elements of which are: [2]
- M&S requirements analysis
- Analysis of alternative solutions
- Selection of best solution
- Procurement or development of the selected M&S capability
- Integration, test and evaluation of the M&S capability
- Application/employment of the modeling and simulation capability
AcqLinks and References:
- Modeling & Simulation Guidance for the Acquisition Workforce – Oct 208
- DoD Instruction 5000.61 “DoD M&S Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A)” – 9 Dec 2009
- DoD 5000.59 “DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management” – 8 Aug 2007
- DoD “M&S Body of Knowledge (BOK)” – June 2008
- DAU “Test and Evaluation Management Guide” – Chapter 14 – Jan 2005
- SMC “Systems Engineering Handbook” – 15 Jan 2004
- DoD 5000.59-M “M&S Glossary” – Jan 1998
- DoD “M&S Glossary” – 1 Oct 2011
- Acquisition Modeling and Simulation Master Plan – 17 April 2006
- White Paper: JHU APL “Best Practices for the Development of M&A” – June 10
- White Paper: Introduction to Modeling and Simulation by Anu Maria
- White Paper: Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
Updated: 9/9/2017