The Joint Services Weapon Safety Review (JSWSR) Process is used by two or more DoD Components in developing a joint program. It’s a collaborative process and is conducted in conjunction with, not in addition to, the existing Service-specific weapon safety review processes.
A JSWSRs will be conducted:
- For weapons designated as joint Service weapons, including weapons resulting from a joint urgent operational need (JUON) or joint emergent operational need (JEON)
- For weapons that are not under the purview of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), but two or more (multi) Services are using or are expected to use the weapons.
- For joint weapons when changes potentially affect the safety of the weapon.
- At the request of the program executive officer or Program Manager (PM).
- When the Weapon Safety Review Authority (WSRA) of the lead Service for the system acquisition invites one or more of the other Services to participate in a JSWSR when special circumstances or issues regarding the handling, transportation, or storage in joint operating environments are present.
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Updated: 6/19/2018