DoD Acquisition and Sustainment (OSD/A&S)
The office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, Acquisition Resources and Analysis, Acquisition Management (OUSD/AT&L (ARA/AM)) oversees all EVM policy development within DoD.
– See OSD Earned Value Website
DoD Executive Agent
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) is designated as the DoD Executive Agent for EVMS. The DCMA is responsible for ensuring the integrity and application effectiveness of contractor EVMS. To this point, the DCMA works with various Government and Industry teams to develop practical EVMS guidance to ensure initial and ongoing compliance with EVMS guidelines in ANSI/EIA-748.
EVMS Review Director and Team
The Executive Agent designates a Review Director for all EVMS compliance reviews, including initial validation reviews, post-award system reviews, and reviews for the cause. The Review Director is responsible for preparing and executing a review plan that includes:
- Review Director’s name, organization, and phone number;
- Contractor’s name, division, location, and point of contact;
- Contract number;
- Basis, cause, purpose, and scope of the review; and
- Estimated starting date and duration of the review.
Component EVM Focal Points
Each component should establish a focal point to serve as a point of contact for coordination and exchange of information on EVM. The EVM focal point is responsible for effective policy implementation within their component, ensuring consistency with DoD policy and the provisions of this guide. The EVMS staff personnel are responsible for: disseminating current policy and providing advice, ensuring effective EVM implementation on new contracts, analysis of contractor performance reports, facilitating Integrated Baseline Review (IBR), risk assessments, supporting surveillance activities to assess the EVMS management processes and the reports the system produces. Lists of appropriate contacts for Component and other Agency focal points are available at the OSD Earned Value website.
Procuring Activity
The responsibility for implementing EVM on a contract is assigned to the organization tasked with executing the procurement. This organization is normally referred to as the Procuring Activity. For purposes of this guide, the Procuring Activity is composed of the Program Management Office (PMO), the contracting organization, and the integrated Component activities that support the PMO. The Program Manager (PM) and the PMO have the responsibility to help ensure that all solicitations and contracts contain the correct EVMS and Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) requirements, tailored as appropriate for the specific nature of the program in accordance with DoD policy. The PM and PMO also have the responsibility to conduct the Integrated Baseline Review (IBR), perform integrated performance analysis, use this performance data to proactively manage the program, and accurately report performance to decision-makers.
Contract Management Office
The Contract Management Office (CMO) is the office that is assigned to administer contractual activities at a specific contractor facility or regional area in support of the PMO. The cognizant CMO is a part of DCMA, and the CMO may designate an EVMS Specialist. Where contract administration responsibilities are retained by the Procuring Activity that organization functions as the CMO. The Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) is authorized to execute the Advance Agreement (AA) or Letter of Acceptance (LOA) with the contractor that recognizes the contractor’s EVMS validation. The ACO is also authorized to withdraw this validation after certain procedures have been followed.
Contract Auditor
The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) is responsible for conducting audits of the contractor’s accounting and financial management system policies, procedures, and acceptability of contractor’s incurred costs and estimates of costs to be incurred, including indirect costs and rates. The contract auditor assigned by DCAA also participates in surveillance and EVMS reviews.
AcqLinks and References:
Updated: 6/15/2018