Aerospace Industry

Air Force


Air Force
Name Description
Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) AFMC conducts research, development, test and evaluation, and provides acquisition management services and logistics support.
Air Force Space Command (AFSC) AFSPC guides the development of space related systems for the DoD and Air Force. The following are key acquisition directorates of AFSPC:

  • A1 – Directorate of Manpower and Personnel
  • A2 – Directorate of Intelligence
  • A3 – Directorate of Air, Space and Information Operations
  • A4/A6 – Directorate of Logistics and Communication
  • A5 – Directorate of Plans and Requirements
  • A7 – Installations and Mission Support
  • A8/A9 – Directorate of Strategic Plans, Programs, Analysis, and Assessment
Product Centers
Space & Missile Systems Center (SMC) The Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), a subordinate unit of the Air Force Space Command, is the center for researching, developing and purchasing military space systems. The center is also responsible for on-orbit check-out, testing, sustainment and maintenance of military satellite constellations and other DoD space systems. The center is located at Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, Calif. The center has an annual total budget in excess of $10 billion per year and employs an estimated 6,000 people.
Electronic Systems Center (ESC) Electronic Systems Center providies command and control and information systems for the Air Force, the Department of Defense and US allies. ESC currently manages approximately 200 programs and has an annual budget of more than $3 billion. Many systems represent America’s most valuable defense assets, such as the E-3 AWACS and the E-8 Joint STARS. ESC is located on Hanscom AFB.
Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) ASC arms the warfighter with weapon systems. Its major acquisition programs include fighter, bomber, mobility/transport, reconnaissance, special operations and trainer weapon systems.
Air Armament Center (AAC) The AAC is responsible for the development, acquisition, testing, and deployment of all air-delivered weapons. AAC applies advanced technology, engineering and programming efficiencies across the entire superior combat capability to the war fighter.
Test Centers
46th Test Wing The 46th Test Wing is the test and evaluation center for Air Force air-delivered weapons, navigation and guidance systems, Command and Control (C2) systems, and Air Force Special Operations Command systems.
Air Force Flight Test Center The Flight Test Center’s mission is to “conduct and support research, development, test and evaluation of aerospace systems from concept to combat.”
Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) AEDC is the most advanced and largest complex of flight simulation test facilities in the world.
Logistics Centers
Ogden Air Logistics Center The center has worldwide engineering, sustainment and logistics management and maintenance support responsibilities for some of the Air Force’s most sophisticated weapon systems, including the Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Research and Development Center
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFRL) AFRL is the Air Force’s only organization wholly dedicated to leading the discovery, development, and integration of warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace forces.
Intelligence Centers
National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) The NASIC is the primary DoD producer of foreign aerospace intelligence. NASIC develops its products by analyzing all available data on foreign aerospace forces and weapons systems to determine performance characteristics, capabilities, vulnerabilities and intentions.
Air Force ISR Agency The mission of AF ISR Agency is to organize, train, equip and present assigned forces and capabilities to conduct intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for combatant commanders and the nation.


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