Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is the use of models, including emulators, prototypes, simulators, and stimulators, either statically or over time, to develop data as a basis for making managerial or technical decisions. The terms “modeling” and “simulation” are often used interchangeably. [2]
M&S is a tool used in systems engineering to gather information to make decisions. It’s normally used in acquisitions to help define requirements and for testing or analyzing a system or process. M&S will utilize emulators, Prototypes, simulators, and stimulators to develop data for systems engineers. It’s used mostly during the Technology Development (TD) Phase of the Acquisition Process.
Guide: DoD Modeling & Simulation Book of Knowledge
Modeling is the process of producing a model; a model is a representation of the construction and working of some system of interest. A model is similar to but simpler than the system it represents. One purpose of a model is to enable the analyst to predict the effect of changes to the system. [3]
A simulation of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be reconfigured and experimented with; usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical to do in the system it represents. [3]
M&S is intended to provide readily available, operationally valid environments approved by warfighters to explore concepts and refine capability requirements in preparation for field experimentation. M&S tools are used that accurately capture current and future Joint and Service capabilities, doctrine, and tactics. [1]
DoD 5000.59 “DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management”, establishes M&S policy including ensuring that M&S investments promote the enhancements of DoD M&S technologies in support of operational needs and the acquisition process; develop common tools, methodologies, and databases; and establish standards and protocols promoting the internet, data exchange, open system architecture, and software reusability of M&S applications. This policy also establishes and defined the roles of the DoD M&S Coordination Office (MSCO). [1]
AcqLinks and References:
- DoD Instruction 5000.61 “DoD M&S Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A)” – 9 Dec 09
- DoD M&S Book of Knowledge
- [1] SMC Systems Engineering Handbook
- [2] DoD 5000.59-M M&S Glossary – Jan 98
- [3] White Paper – Introduction to Modeling and Simulation by Anu Maria
- Acquisition Modeling and Simulation Master Plan – 17 April 06
- JHU APL Best Practices for the Development of M&A – June 10
Updated: 8/01/2018