Simulation Based Engineering Science (SBES) is a new discipline of engineering and applied science in which modern computational methods and devices and collateral technologies can be combined to resolve fundamental issues far outside the scope of traditional scientific and engineering methods; like prototyping. SBES in an interdisciplinary field, arising from the intersection of more mature disciplines, all enriched by the host of developing modeling technologies in such areas as imaging, sensors, and visualization: These mature disciplines include:[1]
- Computational and applied mathematics
- Engineering science
- Systems engineering
- Materials science
- Computer science
- Distributed and grid computing
- Physical Science
- Social Sciences
As defined by the National Science Foundation, “Simulation-Based Engineering Science (SBES) is defined as the discipline that provides the scientific and mathematical basis for the simulation of engineered systems. Such systems range from microelectronic devices to automobiles, aircraft, and even the infrastructures of oilfields and cities. In a word, SBES fuses the knowledge and techniques of the traditional engineering fields—electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical, aerospace, nuclear, biomedical, and materials science—with the knowledge and techniques of fields like computer science, mathematics, and the physical and social sciences. As a result engineers are better able to predict and optimize systems affecting almost all aspects of our lives and work, including our environment, our security and safety, and the products we use and export”. [2]
Scholarly Papers
- [1] Simulation Based Engineering Science “A Report on a Workshop Held Under the Auspices of the” for the National Science Foundation, 16 Aril 04
- [2] Simulation Based Engineering Science “Revolutionizing Engineering Science through Simulation” – May 2006
- Federal Agency (NSF) View of Simulation-Based Engineering and Science – 9 Nov 2010
AcqLinks and References:
- Modeling & Simulation Guidance for the Acquisition Workforce – Oct 208
- DoD Instruction 5000.61 “DoD M&S Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A)” – 9 Dec 2009
- DoD 5000.59 “DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management” – 8 Aug 2007
- DoD “M&S Body of Knowledge (BOK)” – June 2008
- DAU “Test and Evaluation Management Guide” – Chapter 14 – Jan 2005
- SMC “Systems Engineering Handbook” – 15 Jan 2004
- DoD 5000.59-M “M&S Glossary” – Jan 1998
- DoD “M&S Glossary” – 1 Oct 2011
- Acquisition Modeling and Simulation Master Plan – 17 April 2006
- White Paper: JHU APL “Best Practices for the Development of M&A” – June 10
- White Paper: Introduction to Modeling and Simulation by Anu Maria
- White Paper: Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
- Presentation: Manager’s Guide to the High Level Architecture (HLA) for M&S – 11 May 2009
- Website: Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation
- Website: Army Modeling and Simulation Office
- Website: DoD M&S Coordination Office (MSCO)
- Website: DoD M&S Catalog
- Website: Simulate Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO)