
Requesting Access to Records


The DoD Inspector General (IG) is responsible for gaining access to auditing records and data. They shall coordinate access for DoD Component, non-DoD Federal, and contracted auditors to other DoD Components for any audit service that requires access to records or other information in order to avoid duplication and ensure consistency. There are three types of procedures described below for requesting records. These are: [1]

  1. Procedures for Requesting Access to Records or Other Information from DoD Components
  2. Procedures for Requesting Access by Non-DoD Auditors.
  3. Procedures for Requesting Access to Defense Contractor Data.

1. Procedures for Requesting Access to Records or Other Information from DoD Components

  1. The requesting organization should contact the DoD IG at to obtain a point of contact (POC), and should provide the POC the following information in writing; electronic mail is acceptable:
    • Objective(s) of the audit service.
    • Explanation of how the information requested is necessary to assist in answering the audit objective(s).
    • Description of the engagement plan to include:
      • General description of the information being sought.
      • Personnel to be interviewed.
      • Documents required for access.
  2. The information requested should be related to an audit of the requesting organization’s operations; the objective(s) of the audit should not be to evaluate the other DoD Component’s operations. It should not be the intent of the requesting organization to develop finding(s) and recommendations of the other DoD Component’s operations.
  3. The DoD IG should coordinate access by deciding whether to obtain the information for the requesting organization or facilitate direct access to the other DoD Component. To make the determination, the IG DoD should consider, among other factors:
    • The schedule developed by the requesting organization for completing the audit service and issuing the report.
    • The complexity of the information involved.
    • The significance of the work and its priority in relation to the DoD IG workload.
    • Ongoing or recently completed audits of the area being considered in the request and the extent, if any, that the work conflicts with ongoing or recent work by other oversight organizations including the DoD IG, Special Inspectors General, GAO, or other DoD audit or inspections organizations.
  4. The requesting organization should consider the work previously performed by the other DoD Component’s internal audit organization and other audit and inspection organizations in determining audit information to be collected.
  5. When the requesting organization has questions concerning the other DoD Component’s internal audit organization, the requesting organization may contact the Office of the Assistant Inspector General for Audit Policy and Oversight (OAIG APO), DoD IG, at for an OAIG APO POC.
  6. The requesting audit organization must ensure its auditors have the proper clearances and that the information is safeguarded. Information and documents obtained from DoD Components should not be provided to other DoD and Federal organizations, State or local governments, or non-governmental organizations without the knowledge and consent of the DoD Component that provided it.

2. Procedures for Requesting Access by Non-DoD Auditors.
The procedures in paragraph 1 also apply to contracted audit services and to non-DoD Federal auditors. Contracting officers should work with their internal audit organization to comply with this policy.

  1. The contracting officer must ensure that contracted auditors have the necessary clearances to access the information.
  2. When the DoD Component issuing the contract does not have an internal audit organization, the contracting officer should contact the DoD IG POC.
  3. The non-DoD Federal auditor should contact the DoD IG POC to obtain access in accordance with this enclosure.

3. Procedures for Requesting Access to Defense Contractor Data.
Procedures for requesting access to Defense Contractor Data should be worked through the appropriate Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and contract administration office. In addition, the DoD organizations should request assistance from the contract administration or procurement organizations and coordinate with the program office. The OAIG APO can provide assistance and facilitate discussions with DCAA and the contract administration and procurement organizations as necessary.


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