Cost Estimating

OSD Office of Cost Assessment

The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Office of Cost Assessment (CAPE) provides independent analysis and advice to DoD officials on matters of cost estimation and cost analysis for weapons acquisition programs, including matters of program life-cycle cost. The Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DCAPE) provides policies and procedures for the conduct of all DoD cost estimates and issues guidance relating to the full consideration of life cycle management and sustainability costs. The DCAPE also reviews DoD Component cost estimates and cost analyses conducted in connection with Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS). [1]

Website: DoD Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE)

Guide: OSD Operating and Support Cost Estimating Guide – March 2014

The Office of Cost Assessment, under the control and authority of the DCAPE, is charged with developing, validating, and refining policy, guidance, standards, and methods for the cost community in order to improve management of major defense acquisition and automated information system programs. some of the Office of Cost Assessment‘s responsibilities are to: [1]

  • Establish substantive guidance on the preparation of life-cycle cost estimates subject to DCAPE review.
  • Establish policy guidance on the Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) system, and monitor its implementation to ensure consistent and appropriate application throughout the DoD.
  • Establish policy guidance on the Visibility and Management of Operating and Support Costs (VAMOSC) Program, and monitor its implementation by each military department.

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Updated: 6/18/2018

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