Aerospace Industry

University Affiliated Research Center (UARC)


University-Affiliated Research Center Laboratories- UARCs
A University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) is a strategic United States Department of Defense (DoD) research center associated with a university. UARCs was formally established in May 1996 to ensure that essential engineering and technology capabilities of particular importance to the DoD are maintained. These not-for-profit organizations maintain essential research, development, and engineering “core” capabilities; maintain long-term strategic relationships with their DoD sponsors; and operate in the public interest, free from real or perceived conflicts of interest. Collaboration with the educational and research resources available at their universities enhances each UARC’s ability to meet the needs of their sponsors.
Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied Physics Laboratory (APL)The U.S. Navy is APL’s primary long-term sponsor. The Laboratory performs work for the Missile Defense Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, intelligence agencies, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and others. The Laboratory supports NASA through space science, spacecraft design and fabrication, and mission operations. APL has made significant contributions in the areas of air defense, strike and power projection, submarine security, antisubmarine warfare, strategic systems evaluation, command and control, distributed information and display systems, sensors, information processing, and space systems. (Wikipedia)
Pennsylvania State UniversityApplied Research Laboratory (ARL)ARL serves as a university center of excellence in Defense science and technologies, with a focus on naval missions and related areas. It maintains a long-term strategic relationship with the Navy and provides support for the other services. ARL provides science and technology for national security, economic competitiveness, and quality of life through Education Scientific Discovery Technology Demonstration Transition to Application.
University of Hawaii at ManoaApplied Research Laboratory (ARL)ARL serves as a research center of excellence for critical Navy and national defense science, technology and engineering with a focus in naval missions and related areas. ARL conducts research for the Navy, the Department of Defense and other Government agencies.ARL research areas are; Oceanography and environmental research, astronomical research, advanced electro-optical systems, laser, lidar and remote sensing detection systems, and research in various engineering programs to support sensors, communications, and information technology.
University of Texas at AustinApplied Research Laboratories (ARL)ARL’s research programs consist entirely of sponsored projects, with the bulk of the sponsorship by the Navy and Department of Defense. ARL has research programs in applications of acoustics, electromagnetics, and information technology.
University of WashingtonApplied Physics Laboratory (APL)APL conducted acoustic and oceanographic studies in how deep ocean variability affects Navy systems. Their scientists and engineers pursue leadership roles in acoustic and remote sensing, ocean physics and engineering, medical and industrial ultrasound, polar science and logistics, environmental and information systems, and electronic and photonic systems.
University of California at
Santa Cruz
Ames Research CenterAmes was founded to engage in wind-tunnel research on the aerodynamics of propeller-driven aircraft; however, its role has developed beyond research and technology in aeronautics, to encompass spaceflight, and information technology. Ames plays a role in many of NASA missions in support of America’s space and aeronautics programs. It provides leadership in astrobiology; small satellites; robotic lunar exploration; technologies for the Constellation Program; the search for habitable planets; supercomputing; intelligent/adaptive systems; advanced thermal protection; and airborne astronomy. (Wikipedia)
University of California at Santa BarbaraInstitute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB)ICB research teams develop technological innovations in bio-inspired materials and energy, biomolecular sensors, bio-inspired network science, and biotechnological tools.
University of Southern CaliforniaInstitute for Creative Technologies (ICT)ICT collaborates with the entertainment industry and is a leader in producing virtual humans, computer training simulations and immersive experiences for decision-making, cultural awareness, leadership and health.
Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)GTRI’s research spans a variety of disciplines, including national defense, homeland security, public health, education, mobile and wireless technologies, and economic development.
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyInstitute for Soldier Nanotechnologies(ISN)Fundamental science and engineering research is the centerpiece of the ISN mission. Designing the soldier system of the future is a formidable task that requires a range of experts, from chemists to mechanical engineers. ISN research is divided into three broad capability areas that cross disciplinary boundaries: protection; injury intervention and remediation; and human performance improvement.
Utah State UniversitySpace Dynamics Laboratory (SDL)SDL solves the technical challenges faced by the military, science community, and industry through Serving MDA and the DoD for electro-optical sensor systems research and development, pioneering efficient and effective calibration and characterization techniques, innovating CubeSat busses and small-scale components and developing real-time reconnaissance data visualization hardware and software for operational military applications.
Stevens Institute of TechnologySystems Engineering Research Center (SERC)SERC provides systems engineering knowledge and research to the Department of Defense, NASA and other government agencies. It provides researchers a community of broad experience, deep knowledge, and diverse interests. It comprises a significant part of systems engineering research and educational programs in the United States.
University of Maryland,
College Park
Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security
University of NebraskaNational Strategic Research Institute

Website: Most Updated List: Defense Innovation Marketplace

Updated: 10/06/2020

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