Test & Evaluation

Nuclear, Biological and Chemical

The testing of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) weapons is highly specialized and regulated. Program Managers (PM) involved in these areas are advised to consult authorities within their chain of command for the specific directives, instructions, and regulations that apply to their individual situations. Nuclear weapons tests are divided into categories in which the responsibilities of the Department of Energy (DOE), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DNA), and the military Services are clearly assigned. The DOE is responsible for nuclear warhead technical tests; the DNA is responsible for nuclear weapons effects tests. The Services are responsible for the testing of Service-developed components of nuclear subsystems. All nuclear tests are conducted within the provisions of the Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT) that generally restricts nuclear detonations to the underground environment. Nuclear weapon testing requires extensive coordination between Service and DOE test personnel. [1]

The Technology Development Strategy (TDS) should discuss the activities planned to address NBC and Nuclear Hardness and Survivability (NH&S) mission-critical system’s survivability requirements and assess its survivability during the Technology Development (TD) Phase. NBC and NH&S is required to be addresses at each milestone in accordance with DoD Instruction 3150.09 “The Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability” – 17 Aug 2009.

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Updated: 6/5/2018

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