Science & Engineering

Frequency Allocation Application

Frequency Allocation Application (DD Form 1494) is currently used to submit systems information to the Military Communications-Electronics Board (MCEB) for frequency allocation approval. All major military RF systems, as defined in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, are reviewed in parallel with the Joint Frequency Allocation-to-Equipment Process (J-12) by the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) Spectrum Planning Subcommittee (SPS).

Guide: DD Form 1494 Preparation Guide

STATUTORY: for all systems/equipment that use the electromagnetic spectrum while operating in the United States and its possessions. The requirement for milestone decisions is met when DD Form 1494 is submitted by the Program Manager to the appropriate reviewing and approving agencies. Generally not applicable to Defense Business System (DBS) programs. [1]

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