The National Defense Authorization Act of 2003 directed the DoD to establish a DoD Test Resource Management Center (DTRMC). The DTRMC provides oversight for T&E strategic planning and budgets for the Department’s T&E activities including:
- Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB)
- Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP)
- T&E Science and Technology (S&T) Program

1) Major Range and Test Facility Base
All Services operate ranges and test facilities for test, evaluation, and training purposes. These activities constitute the Major Range and Test Facility Base. This MRTFB is described as “a national asset which shall be sized, operated, and maintained primarily for DoD T&E support missions, but also is available to all users having a valid requirement for its capabilities. The MRTFB consists of a broad base of T&E activities managed and operated under uniform guidelines to provide T&E support to DoD Components responsible for developing or operating materiel and weapon systems.”
The MRTFB facilities are available for use by all the Services, other U.S. government agencies and, in certain cases, allied foreign governments and contractor organizations. Scheduling is based on a priority system; and costs for usage are billed uniformly.
2) Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program
The Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) provides OSD funding and a mechanism for the development and acquisition of new test capabilities to satisfy multi-Service testing requirements. It oversees the acquisition and integration of all training and associated test range instrumentation and development-related policy.
3) T&E Science and Technology (S&T) Program
The T&E Science and Technology (S&T) Program develop technologies required to test future warfighting capabilities.
AcqLinks and Resources:
- DoD Test and Evaluation Management Guide – Dec 2012
- Air Force Test & Evaluation Guidebook – Dec 2004
- Presentation: DTIC T&E Science and Technology (S&T) Program
- Website: DoD Test Resource Management Center (DTRMC)
Updated: 6/5/2018