Software Source Selection Consideration for Computer Systems & Software (CS&S) tasks includes:
- Creating CS&S Request for Proposal (RFP) content
- Accomplishing Software Proposal Evaluation
It’s should be the objective to select developers with sound approaches; applicable domain experience in the development of software-intensive systems; proven program management, systems engineering, and software engineering processes; and successful and relevant past performance. Therefore, the source selection strategy for CS&S is to solicit and evaluate proposal information with a focus in the following areas: [1]
- The soundness of the proposed CS&S approach, including CS&S architecture, and software development and integration approach.
- Offeror capability, as defined by internal process standards that form the foundation for and can be tailored to provide program-specific processes, evidence that the proposed processes are part of the company culture, and capable, adequate staffing and other resources.
- Offeror commitment to the application of program-specific processes, as defined in the Software Development Plan (SDP), Integrated Master Plan (IMP), Integrated Master Schedule (IMS), and other contractual documents.
- Realistic program effort and schedule baselines that are compatible with the estimated software development/integration effort and schedule, and that accommodate the consistent application of the proposed processes and tools.
- Successful past performance in software development, including the application of the proposed processes and satisfaction of program cost, schedule, and performance baselines.
AcqLinks and References:
- [1] USAF Weapon Systems Software Management Guidebook
- Mil-STD 498 “Software Development and Documentation” 05 Dec 1994
- MIL-STD-498 “Application and Reference Guidebook” 3 Jan 1996
- Website: MIL-STD-498 Software Documentation
Defense Cost Resource Center (DCRC)