The DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy provides the basis for implementing and sharing data in a net-centric environment. It describes the requirements for inputting and sharing data, metadata, and forming dynamic communities to share data. Program Managers (PMs) and Sponsors/Domain Owners should comply with the explicit requirements and the intent of this strategy, which is to share data as widely and as rapidly as possible, consistent with security requirements. [1]
Strategy: DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy – Section 7.4
The key attributes of the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy are: [2]
- Ensuring data is visible, available, and usable when needed and where needed to accelerate decision-making
- “Tagging” of all data (intelligence, non-intelligence, raw and processes) with metadata to enable discovery of data by users
- Posting of all to provide data to shared spaces to provide access to all users except when limited by security, policy or regulations.
- Advancing the Department from defining interoperability through point-to-point interfaces to enabling the “many-to-many” exchanges typical of a net-centric data environment.
The DoD Net-Centric Services Strategy (NCSS) reflects the DoD’s recognition that a service-oriented approach can result in an explosion of capabilities for our warfighters and decision-makers, thereby increasing operational effectiveness. A service-oriented approach can accelerate the DoD’s ongoing effort to achieve net-centric operations by ensuring that our warfighters receive the right information, from trusted and accurate sources, when and where it is needed. [1]
The DoD NCSS builds upon the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy’s goals of making data assets visible, accessible, and understandable. This strategy establishes services as the preferred means by which data producers and capability providers can make their data assets and capabilities available across the DoD and beyond. It also establishes services as the preferred means by which consumers can access and use these data assets and capabilities.
The DoD’s vision is to establish a Net-Centric Environment (NCE) that increasingly leverages shared services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that are: [1]
- Supported by the required use of a single set of common standards, rules, and shared secure infrastructure provided by the Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA);
- Populated with the appropriately secure mission and business services provided and used by each Mission Area;
- Governed by a cross-Mission Area board, which is chaired by the DoD CIO;
- Managed by Global information Grid (GIG) Network Operations (NetOps).
To assist in achieving the net-centric information sharing vision, PMs should be cognizant of the data principles from the DoD Information Enterprise Architecture that address the deployment of data and services.