Element 2 “Identify and document hazards” is where hazards are identified and recorded in a document that is controlled and monitored. The document will service at the foundation for analyzing, tracking and controlling current and future hazards.
MIL-STD-882E “Standard Practice for System Safety” – Page 10
Risk Identification (which includes Hazards) is the activity that examines each element of the program to identify associated root causes that can cause failure, begin their documentation, and set the stage for their management.
Hazards should be identified through a systematic analysis process that includes system hardware and software, system interfaces (to include human interfaces), and the intended use or application and operational environment. The consideration and use mishap data; relevant environmental and occupational health data; user physical characteristics; user knowledge, skills, and abilities; and lessons learned from legacy and similar systems. The hazard identification process shall consider the entire system life-cycle and potential impacts to personnel, infrastructure, defense systems, the public, and the environment
Identified hazards should be documented in a Hazard Tracking System (HTS). A HTS should include the following data elements:
- Identified hazards
- Associated mishaps
- Risk assessments (initial, target, event(s))
- Identified risk mitigation measures
- Selected mitigation measures
- Hazard status
- Verification of risk reductions
- Risk acceptances
Both the contractor and Government shall have access to the HTS with appropriate controls on data management. The Government shall receive and retain “government purpose rights” of all the data recorded in the HTS and any other items (i.e., studies, analyses, test data, notes or similar data) generated in the performance of the contract with respect to the HTS.
– Next Element: Assess and Document Risk
AcqLinks and References:
- MIL-STD-882E “Standard Practice for System Safety” – 11 May 2012
- Air Force System Safety Handbook – July 2000
- DoD Risk Management Guidebook – Aug 06
Updated: 7/29/2017