DoDAF Architecting

DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-10c Services Event-Trace Description

The SvcV-10c “Services Event-Trace Description” provides a time-ordered examination of the interactions between services functional resources. Each event-trace diagram should have an accompanying description that defines the particular scenario or situation. The SvcV-10c is valuable for moving to the next level of detail from the initial solution design, to help define a sequence of service […]

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-10b Services State Transition Description

The SvcV-10b “Services State Transition Description” is a graphical method of describing a resource (or function) response to various events by changing its state. The diagram basically represents the sets of events to which the resources in the Activities respond (by taking an action to move to a new state) as a function of its

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-10a Services Rules Model

The SvcV-10a “Services Rules Model” is to specify functional and non-functional constraints on the implementation aspects of the architecture (i.e., the structural and behavioral elements of the Services Model). The SvcV-10a describes constraints on the resources, functions, data and ports that make up the Service Model physical architecture. The constraints are specified in text and

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-9 Services Technology and Skills Forecast

The SvcV-9 “Services Technology and Skills Forecast” defines the underlying current and expected supporting technologies and skills. Expected supporting technologies and skills are those that can be reasonably forecast given the current state of technology and skills, and expected improvements or trends. New technologies and skills are tied to specific time periods, which can correlate

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-8 Services Evolution Description

The SvcV-8 “Services Evolution Description” presents a whole lifecycle view of resources (services), describing how it changes over time. It shows the structure of several resources mapped against a timeline. [1] Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 187 In addition, this model is useful in support of net-centric (service-oriented) implementation of services. This

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-7 Services Measures Matrix

The SvcV-7 Services Measures Matrix depicts the measures (metrics) of resources. The Services Measures Matrix expands on the information presented in a SvcV-1 “Services Interface Description” by depicting the characteristics of the resources in the SvcV-1 Services Context Description. Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 185 In addition, this model is useful in

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-6 Services Resource Flow Matrix

The SvcV-6 “Services Resource Flow Matrix” specifies the characteristics of the Service Resource Flows exchanged between Services. The focus is on resources crossing the service boundary. The SvcV-6 focuses on the specific aspects of the Service Resource Flow and the Service Resource Flow content in a tabular format. [1] Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-5 Operational Activity to Services Traceability Matrix

The SvcV-5 “Operational Activity to Services Traceability Matrix” addresses the linkage between service functions described in SvcV-4 “Service Functionality DEscription” and Operational Activities specified in OV-5a “Operational Activity Decomposition Tree” or OV-5b “Operational Activity Model”. The SvcV-5 depicts the mapping of service functions (and, optionally, the capabilities and performers that provide them) to operational activities

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-4 Services Functionality Description

Within an Architectural Description, the SvcV-4 “Services Functionality Description” documents service functions, the Resource Flows between those service functions, the internal system data repositories or service data stores, and the external sources and sinks for the service data flows, but not external to the Architectural Description’s scope. They may also show how users behave in

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-3b Services-Services Matrix

A SvcV-3b “Services-Services Matrix” enables a quick overview of all the services resource interactions specified in one or more SvcV-1 “Services Context Description” models. The SvcV-3b provides a tabular summary of the services interactions specified in the SvcV-1 Services Context Description for the Architectural Description. The matrix format supports a rapid assessment of potential commonalities

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-3a Systems-Services Matrix

A SvcV-3a enables a quick overview of all the system-to-service resource interactions specified in one or more SvcV-1 “Services Context Description” models. The SvcV-3a provides a tabular summary of the system and services interactions specified in the SvcV-1 for the Architectural Description. This model can be useful in support existing systems that are transitioning to

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-2 Services Resource Flow Description

A SvcV-2 “Services Resource Flow Description” specifies the Resource Flows between Services and may also list the protocol stacks used in connections. A SvcV-2 is used to give a precise specification of a connection between Services. This may be an existing connection or a specification of a connection that is to be made for a

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DoDAF Architecting

SvcV-1 Services Interface Description

The SvcV-1 “Services Interface Description” addresses the composition and interaction of Services. SvcV-1 incorporates human elements as types of Performers – Organizations and Personnel Types. Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 171 The SvcV-1 links together the operational and services architecture models by depicting how resources are structured and interact to realize the

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-9 Systems Technology and Skills Forecast

The System View (SV)-9 “Systems Technology and Skills Forecast” defines the underlying current and expected supporting technologies and skills. Expected supporting technologies and skills are those that can be reasonably forecast given the current state of technology and skills as well as the expected improvements or trends. New technologies and skills are tied to specific

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-10b Systems State Transition Description

The System View (SV)-10b “Systems State Transition Description” is a graphical method of describing a resource (or system function) response to various events by changing its state. The diagram basically represents the sets of events to which the resources in the Activities respond (by taking an action to move to a new state) as a

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description

The System View (SV)-10c “Systems Event-Trace Description” provides a time-ordered examination of the interactions between functional resources. Each event-trace diagram should have an accompanying description that defines the particular scenario or situation. Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 229 The SV-10c is valuable for moving to the next level of detail from the

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-10a Systems Rules Model

The System View (SV)-10a “Systems Rules Mode” specifies functional and non-functional constraints on the implementation aspects of the architecture (i.e., the structural and behavioral elements of the Systems Viewpoint). Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page 225 The SV-10a DoDAF-described Model describes constraints on the resources, functions, data, and ports that make up the

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-8 Systems Evolution Description

The System View (SV)-8 “Systems Evolution Description” presents a whole lifecycle view of resources (systems), describing how they change over time. It shows the structure of several resources mapped against a timeline. The intended usage of the SV-8 includes: Development of incremental acquisition strategy. Planning technology insertion. Guide: DoDAF Architecture Framework Version 2.02 – Page

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-7 Systems Measures Matrix

The System View (SV)-7 “Systems Measures Matrix” depicts the measures (metrics) of resources. The Systems Measures Matrix expands on the information presented in a SV-1 “Systems Interface Description” by depicting the characteristics of the resources in the SV-1. The intended usage of the SV-7 includes: Definition of performance characteristics and measures (metrics). Identification of non-functional

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-5b Operational Activity to Systems Traceability Matrix

The System View (SV)-5b “Operational Activity to Systems Traceability Matrix” addresses the linkage between described in SV-1 “Systems Interface Description” and Operational Activities specified in OV-5a “Operational Activity Decomposition Tree” or OV-5b “Operational Activity Model”. The SV-5b depicts the mapping of systems and, optionally, the capabilities and performers that provide them to operational activities. The

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-6 Systems Resource Flow Matrix

The System View (SV)-6 “Systems Resources Flow Matrix” specifies the characteristics of the System Resource Flows exchanged between systems with emphasis on resources crossing the system boundary. It focuses on the specific aspects of the system Resource Flow and the system Resource Flow content in a tabular format. The intended usage of the SV-6 includes:

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-4 Systems Functionality Description

The System View (SV)-4 “Systems Functionality Description” addresses human and system functionality. The primary purposes of SV-4 are to: Develop a clear description of the necessary data flows that are input (consumed) by an output (produced) by each resource. Ensure that the functional connectivity is complete (i.e., that a resource’s required inputs are all satisfied).

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-5a Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix

The System View (SV)-5a “Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix” addresses the linkage between System Functions described in SV-4 “Systems Functionality Description” and Operational Activities specified in OV-5a “Operational Activity Decomposition Tree” or OV-5b “Operational Activity Model”. The SV-5a depicts the mapping of system functions and, optionally, the capabilities and performers that provide them

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix

A System View (SV)-3 “Systems-Systems Matrix” enables a quick overview of all the system resource interactions specified in one or more SV-1 Systems Interface Description models. The SV-3 provides a tabular summary of the system interactions specified in the SV-1 Systems Interface Description model for the Architectural Description. The matrix format supports a rapid assessment

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DoDAF Architecting

SV-2 Systems Resource Flow Description

A System View (SV)-2 “Systems Resource Flow Description” specifies the System Resource Flows between Systems and may also list the protocol stacks used in connections. It’s used to give a precise specification of a connection between Systems. This may be an existing connection, or a specification for a connection that is to be made. Guide:

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