Information Technology


Computer Security (Cybersecurity) is the protection of computer equipment from theft, hacking, natural disaster, tampering and corruption. The goal is to keep computer system running without interference from unauthorized sources. In the DoD, computer security is the responsibility of the security and Information Assurance (IA) department along with the user.

DoD Computer Security Definition [1]
“Measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information system assets including hardware, software, firmware, and information being processed, stored, and communicated.”

Other Security topics that are addressed include:

US Cyber Command
USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes, and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full-spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries. It’s part of STRATCOM.

Cybersecurity Act of 2010
The Act seeks to increase collaboration between the public and the private sector on cybersecurity issues, especially those private entities that own infrastructures that are critical to national security interests.

Cybersecurity Act of 2012
The Act seeks to protect high-risk critical infrastructure of the United States from cyber attack, and to create a place for private sector entities to share cyber information without fear of reprisal—while receiving the “secret sauce” only the government can provide: intelligence and law enforcement information.

General Computer Security Tips:

  •  Set secure passwords and don’t share them with anyone. Avoid using common words, phrases, or personal information and update regularly.
  • Keep your operating system, browser, anti-virus and other critical software up to date. Security updates and patches are available for free from major companies.
  • Verify the authenticity of requests from companies or individuals by contacting them directly. If you are being asked to provide personal information via email, you can independently contact the company directly to verify this request.
  • Pay close attention to website URLs. Pay attention to the URLs of websites you visit. Malicious websites sometimes use a variation in common spelling or a different domain (for example, .com instead of .net) to deceive unsuspecting computer users.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you post. Do not post information that would make you vulnerable, such as your address or information about your schedule or routine. If your friend posts information about you, make sure the information is something that you are comfortable sharing with strangers.
  • Take advantage of privacy and security settings. Use site settings to limit the information you share with the general public online.
  • Be wary of strangers and cautious of potentially misleading or false information.

AcqLinks and Resources:

Updated: 9/21/2017

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